Friday 9 August 2013

Vague-posting: everyone's favourite!

I promise though, one day I will share every single detail of what is going on in mine and A's life at this very moment. For now though, I can only share one small tidbit.

Today is my last day of work!

Sometimes, life demands drastic measures even if you have no net to fall onto. Leaving my job is one of those measures. I have no other work lined up, no nibbles on my resume, no real plan from today on.

But I'm excited. I'm excited for new opportunities. I'm excited that A and I are finally take steps to put ourselves, and our relationship, first. That we are (finally!) doing things that will make us happy, even if these things don't make sense to anyone but us. Sure, it's terrifying. We know what our "end game" is, but have no idea what the getting there is going to look like. But somehow, that just doesn't matter anymore. What matters is getting through it, and getting through it together.

And we will. Of that I have no doubt.

Me and my love, on our third anniversary.


  1. Making these kinds of decisions are the best thing in the world!!!

    I will sit and wait patiently to hear more...and by patiently I mean not patiently at all.

  2. So happy and excited for you!

  3. So thrilled for you. And good for you for putting your happiness and joy first. No one needs anymore explanation than that!

    (though I'm hoping to hear what you have planned or dreamed up! :))

  4. Congratulations on doing something that (I assume) will make you much happier!
