Tuesday 13 August 2013

A day in the life of the unemployed!

Yesterday was my first day in the ranks of the unemployed. When I announced that I had quit my job, a lot of people jokingly asked me what a stay-at-home-wife such as myself was going to do to occupy my time (other then boozey lunches and online shopping).

I present to you, the highlights of my day.

Pinterest and tea.

Taught myself how to do a sock bun, using this tutorial.

Went for a run.

Fixed the door jamb on the front door.

Hung out with the pups.

Dropped off some recycling.

Went for lunch with my mom.

Got money back because of a botched eyebrow waxing.

Made chicken in the crock pot. (This is a 26x26 recipe, but I haven't perfected it enough to share just yet!)

Discovered my new favourite drink, recipe coming later today!

Used these ingredients to make something delicious - any guesses?

Pretty glamorous right?! I will admit, I did have a nap in there somewhere too. Plans today include painting and baking, with another nap thrown in (I hope!).


  1. Jealous! Good job on the sock bun and the money back! Drink looks yummy and my guess is you made a liquor with all that stuff.

    1. Colleen, I'm officially a sock bun addict. I thank you for that!

  2. Jeeze, you make my days look down right boring! All I do is clean, entertain baby, I may make a special treat if I have all the ingredients. I also try to make a tasty supper, but that is hard when the hubby has different hours every day.

  3. I like this sneak peek into your life, looks like you had a great day.
